Harlequin Ducks in rough seas
Chess Pavilion
Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 315-340pm
Jacob Spendelow posted on IBET, that on a just finished trip to Chicago, he spotted three HARLEQUIN DUCKS, including a male and two females, on our lakefront close to the breakwater wall, on a short birding excursion he fit in during his trip. As he wasn't well versed in local landmarks, so I emailed him for more detailed directions, though I guessed he spotted them near the Chess Pavilion area at North Avenue. I decided I couldn't wait for his reply to my email. I read his post at 245pm, and immediately got in the car to see if I could find these birds. The Harlequin male is a bird not to be missed, and this is not a diving duck that makes it to our lakefront with any regularity. Even a rookie like me could figure that out from my Sibley's map.
This would be a good bird to chase down a look.
The weather was terribly windy and overcast. When I got to North Avenue Beach I could see that the water was wild and I doubted I would see any Harlequin Ducks in this rough water. I hustled down to the beach area near the
They were cautious, but not what I would call skittish. As long as I stayed back 30-50 feet, they were happy to go about diving one right after the other, as they had no doubt been doing before I arrived. But where was the male? No where to be found, and he was the real visual treat. That is the drake everyone wants to see. Couldn't find him anywhere. I looked up and down the beach, nothing. I had a 4pm conference call I had to get back for, and I couldn't find him. Still, I had a new bird, life bird #62, Chicago bird #25. It was a good chase and netted me:
#62 HARLEQUIN DUCK females
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