My first bird?
Denver's south side near Cherry Creek Lake and Cherry Creek State Park
Sunday, January 1st, 2006, 10am
Lynne & I flew to Colorado on New Years Eve for a 5 day visit to Denver, Summit County and Boulder to see friends and family. We had a quiet New Years Eve at Lynne's friends Jeanine and Carmen. That night we stayed in their guest room, and at 530am I awoke to a squirming daughter. She was restless, and it woke me up. Little did I know her waking me up would allow me to identify my first bird as a birder.
As I lie in bed I heard the unmistakable hoot of an owl. It was the unmistakable ho hoo hoo hoododo hooooo hoo of a Great Horned Owl. I heard it distinctly 5 or 6 times. It sounded like it was in Jeanine & Carmen's back yard. When Anna Grace eventually woke up too early, I told her to listen for the hooting of an owl outside. Her focus on this was just what she needed to fall back asleep.

But as I didn't see the bird, and am only a rookie birder, I can't count this one, at least not yet. I got lucky with this identification. But now I know where I can find at least one Great Horned Owl if I haven't found one before our annual summer trip to Colorado this August. Then I will be prepared to see this owl, instead of just hearing it!
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